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Want to know more about why I do what I do? Listen to this Abundant Living Podcast!

  Recent Radio Interview here:23:40-45:00

Speaker/Sketchdoodler/Teacher/... here.

Connect with me at

When you sign up for my newsletter, you'll have access to a FREE page of six art pieces you can print out, make bigger or smaller, and use for art projects like cards, bookmarks, or put in a cute frame. Enjoy! If you've signed up for the newsletter in the past and missed out on the art page, email me, and I'll send it to you. 


In a perfect world, there would only be nice people who do nice things with your email. I know that’s not the case, but rest assured, I only want to connect for projects, to let you know what’s happening with my novels, to make you laugh or think, or to brighten your day. There’s no other reason to have your info, and that’s the only thing I will ever use it for. I pinky-swear, promise! (No Spamming from Me, Ever!)  


P.S. I love keeping in touch, so sign up! Questions?

Sign up for my newsletter and access to a FREE ARTWORK page for creative fun!

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Get your FREE page of six art pieces for creative fun!

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