Congrats to Gretchen Smith who named the cats in my upcoming novel -
Being Dorothy (In a world longing for home)
She has won her name on my dedication page and a prize package including a signed book!
Thank you to everyone who submitted names, they were great, but Gretchen captured the essence of what Piper Penn would name these cute kitties.
New cover reveal is coming next month, and Lord willing, publication in November of Being Dorothy (In a world longing for home) Anyone signed up for my monthly emails gets to know new news from Lake Girl Publishing first, including the first to see the cover reveal of my new books. There will also be giveaway opportunities in the future! Sign up at Make sure you are following all the news at
And now the names!
The orange kitty on the left is Bijou and the black cat on the right is Labyrinth!

Bijou is in honor of Frap, and Labyrinth is in honor of a place Piper Penn loves.
What do you think?
Thanks for all you do to spread the word about Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy) available in audiobook, paperback, and ebook - everywhere! Please ask your library to bring in the book, they often do on your suggestion!
Don't miss my fun, short gift book, 5 Easy Steps to a Happy Birthday! now free on Kindle Unlimited and available as an ebook too! It's still in paperback as well - skip the card and send the book to your friends and family! Start the 5 steps right now for a fantastic birthday from now on for every adult on your terms!
Being Dorothy warms my heart, I really love it and I think you will too...I think you will find the James Bond flavor and the magic of Mackinac Island very delightful!
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